In 1994 while grieving the loss of his friend Kurt Cobain, Nirvana drummer Dave Grohl started a new project, recording all the instruments and vocals himself, and in 1995 released the album under the name Foo Fighters.
29 years and 11 albums later, Foo Fighters are one of the most successful and enduring rock acts of all time.
On September 17th the GMCC is bringing you My Heroes.
This is not only our tribute to the Foo Fighters, but our tribute to the tragic loss earlier this year of drummer Taylor Hawkins, who passed away just weeks after a truly memorable Foo Fighters show at our own Kardinia Park – the first stadium rock show since Covid hit our shores.
$10 at the door, and as always all proceeds go to Impact in support of the Dean McInnes Student Travel Award, helping the next generation of mental health researchers.
This will be a huge night – we’ll see you there!

Raegan’s Super Wordy Tag Fest!
*insert No Son Of Mine intro here*, it’s time for Post Gig Shout Outs & Thank Yous from the ever present Awkward One!
As always, these are in no particular order because I forgot it….
TD;LR: No cliff notes for you, don’t be lazy!
Jake please accept my usual words of gratitude for inviting me to the group, and also for reminding me that I jumped around like the Energiser Bunny; believe me I felt it when I got home!
Stuart how you tolerate the “I’ll jump on this song I’ve never heard before!” rubbish from me prior to every single gig is beyond me, but please accept my eternal thanks for rolling with it; No Son Of Mine was possibly the funnest one I’ve done so far!
Spero your words of encouragement each time truly make my night! That is all, thank you
Tayla. My gig buddy, my hype girl, my emo inspiration, my real life model for all things Dangerfield and lover of my potty mouth. Don’t ever change, and don’t leave me; I’ll fiiiiiiiiind yooooooou….I kid, I kid
Paul, Marty, Tim, Adrian (I think that’s all of you?), cheers for the hugs and not running away screaming, haha
Liv you speak so well, don’t forget that! I’m holding you to the Splatters date soon, provided I get through this Diploma in one piece….
To everyone, always a privilege to work with you. I appreciate the feedback and encouragement more and more each time! I adore you all; I’m seriously never leaving unless you get sick of me, haha
Peace out my friends, see y’all real soon #toomanyhashtags#toomanywords