Looking for an excuse to break out your chucks and skinny jeans?
Finding yourself in disbelief that “Welcome To The Black Parade” is 16 years old? That Gerard Way is in his 40s and Guitar Hero 3 was released 15 years (and two Playstations) ago?
No? Just really missing the mid-2000s emo/rock scene?
Well, us folks at the GMCC have cooked up a night that appeals to all of the above; and more, with:
WELCOME TO THE BLACK PARADE: A Night of Mid-2000s Hits
With a set lined with absolute bangers by the likes of My Chemical Romance, Paramore and Fall Out Boy to absolute belters from folks like Bullet From My Valentine, A Day To Remember and Escape The Fate (with a few familiar pop-punk anthems and era staples thrown in for good measure); we think it’ll scratch your itch.
Get down early!
6:30pm doors | 18+ event.
All proceeds going to IMPACT at Deakin in support of the Dean McInnes Student Award, helping the next generation of researchers tackle mental health treatment. The Barwon Club Hotel, Geelong.

Raegan’s Super Wordy Tag Fest!
Okay, it’s morning now; here we go with the list. In no particular order (because I forgot it ):
Spero thanks for putting together an amazing night, and I really appreciate the faith you have in my ability to do this without gacking it up! I also want to assure you that I said “Holy shit” as I was coming off stage; I wasn’t saying I did a bad job, haha
Adrian thanks for popping over to go through Perfect, it was so much fun and I hope it helped you as much as it did me!
Adam thanks for letting us practice at yours, and a MASSIVE thank you for your words of encouragement after Simple Plan, it truly made my night!
Tayla you and the girls saved my hair piece challenged butt for the Green Day duo; it looked so good!
PS: Watched the video from the end of night, may have gotten a bit teary
Paul once again it was bloody incredible sharing the stage with you good Sir; thanks for running with my last minute attempt at ad lib and your words when coming off stage. We must do it again, and your hair was on point!
And finally (I know I’ve said it before, but I’m gonna say it again, and again, and again, and….you get the gist); Jake, I don’t think I can ever thank you enough for inviting me to join the bestest group of people in the entire universe! I feel like a totally different person from the over anxious, almost shy, easily scared and constantly apologising chick with the bandanna from Scotty and Slash night, and these have been the best days of my life since!
Enough rambling from me, promise!
I appreciate you all so much, love y’all to bits, and I’ll see you really soon